type : Eff

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  • Track effects in types
  • Interleave different types of effects
  • Restrict sections of code to a set of effects

In most languages you can write procedures that perform side-effects: reading and writing files, mutating variables, querying databases, etc. Eff tracks these effects at the type-level. This means that looking at a function's type-signature is enough to determine whether it or any functions it transitively calls performs a given type of effect.

Eff e a
The type of an effectful computation which (might) perform effects of type e and returns a result of type a when run.
unsafePerformEffects :: Eff e a -> a
Run an effectful computation, returning its result. “Unsafe” because doing so removes all type-level effect information. Best used only in a program’s entry-points.
interleave :: Eff e0 a -> Eff e a

Interleave effects. In some languages this function is unnecessary due to a being a row-type (Purescript).

In other languages (like C#), interleaving of effects requires that the effects be in a subtyping hierarchy and that the interleave function has an e : e0 constraint.

Except for unsafePerformEffects, effectful computations cannot escape the Eff e context because the only way to interact with an Eff e context is through its Monad instance and the interleave function.


Imagine writing a function which for performance or security reasons must not touch the file system, but does output to the console and read from a cache. This function undoubtedly calls other functions which you do not have direct control of, or which someone else will some day modify. How can you ensure that your function never touches the file-system? Without somethig like Eff, you have to rely on recursively reading the code of the functions your function calls, communicating your expectations, and running tests, none of which will reliably catch a filesystem access many calls below yours.

If however, your function and the functions it calls use Eff, the compiler will do all the checking for you.

For example,

Eff<E, B> noFilesystemAccess(A a) where e : ConsoleEff, CacheEff;

Eff<E, A> func0() where e : ConsoleEff;

Eff<E, A> func1() where e : ConsoleEff, FilesystemEff

if noFilesystemAccess were written such that it transitively called func0, assuming no other errors it would compile because ConsoleEff can interleave into ConsoleEff, CacheEff. If the definition of func0 were changed to func1, compilation would fail because FilesystemEff cannot interleave with ConsoleEff, CacheEff.